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Hair Videos

A lot changes in 6 months || Austin, TX Hair Transplant

Okay, I had to hook you some how. That little girl is fine but out patient is even better with improved density in his crown after only 6 months of having his hair transplant with Dr. Paul Pearce in Austin, Texas! This patient had 1500 grafts transferred via manual follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and has been maintained with Dr. Pearce's custom finasteride and minoxidil regimen to maintain his current hair with minimal risk of side effects. To schedule your consultation with Dr. Pearce Fill out our contact form:

3600 Graft Hair Transplant Results! || Hair Transplant Austin, Texas

This patient underwent two hair transplant procedures in Austin, Texas with Dr. Paul Pearce. The first procedure used the ARTAS iX robot to transfer 2600 grafts to the temples and central frontal scalp. About 1 year later he underwent manual FUE to transfer 1000 grafts to fill in more density along the frontal scalp and near the anterior mid bridge region. Patient is shown 2 years post op from the first procedure. To schedule a consult for your hair loss with Dr. Pearce fill out the contact form here:

Hair Transplant Pre-op Instructions| Pearce Plastic Surgery Austin Texas

Dr Paul Pearce discusses his pre-op instructions for patients undergoing a hair transplant at his private practice in Austin Texas. Dr Pearce is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Austin Texas who routinely performs FUT, FUE and ARTAS FUE hair transplants. To schedule an appointment to be seen by Dr Pearce please visit us at Or visit our dedicated hair restoration website

What To Expect After Your Hair Transplant || Hair Transplant Austin, Texas

Dr Pearce reviews instructions that he recommends for his patients after a #hairtransplant at Pearce Plastic Surgery and The Texas Hair Restoration Center in Austin Texas. This #hairtransplantpostopcare plan will help you breeze through your recovery on your journey to your new head of hair. Dr Paul Pearce is a board certified plastic surgeon in Austin Texas. #paulpearceplasticsurgery #hairtransplantpostop #austinhairtransplant #austinhairtransplantsurgeon #texashairrestorationcenter #pearceplasticsurgery