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Common Myths about Cosmetic Surgery

By: Dr. Paul Pearce


Have you stopped yourself from cosmetic surgery because you thought it was too expensive or only for certain people? Read on for more myths we bust about improving your appearance through cosmetic surgery.

There have always been mistruths about cosmetic surgery circulating through society. If you’ve put off exploring your options for surgery because you’re afraid of what people think, allow our experts at Pearce Plastic Surgery put some things into a different perspective. Paul Pearce, MD, specializes in cosmetic and reconstruction surgeries to help you achieve your aesthetic goals and regain self-confidence. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel your best, so it’s time to bust some of the most common myths about cosmetic surgery: 

MYTH: Only rich people do it 

FACTS: While the rich and famous may be in the cosmetic surgery spotlight, people from all walks of life are good candidates for plastic surgery. Dr. Pearce specializes in various surgical techniques to address age-related volume loss in your face, sagging skin, and hard-to-lose fat deposits in other areas of your body. He also offers nonsurgical med spa options to improve your facial features with injectables, Botox®, and minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedures like microneedling. Customized treatment plans allow you to address only the issues you want to enhance to stay within your budget. 

MYTH: Only vain people want cosmetic surgery

FACTS: There are many reasons why people elect to have cosmetic surgery. Just because you want to look great and feel empowered to be who you are, doesn’t mean you’re vain. Dr. Pearce focuses on creating natural-looking results that meet your expectations. He can use liposuction to address unwanted belly fat or complete an arm lift to tighten your skin without dramatically changing your appearance. 

MYTH: Cosmetic surgery is dangerous 

FACTS: Any surgery has risks. Under the medical supervision of a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Pearce, cosmetic surgery can help you achieve your desired results without increasing your risk for complications. We spend a lot of time ensuring you’re healthy enough for surgery and provide after-care services that support your full recovery. 

MYTH: Cosmetic surgery scars will affect results 

FACTS: While it’s true that cosmetic surgery will result in scars, Dr. Pearce takes special care to minimize their appearance. His surgical plan focuses on making incisions in the natural contours of your skin so scars are less noticeable as they heal. 

MYTH: Cosmetic surgery is an option for weight loss 

FACTS: Cosmetic surgery doesn’t promote weight loss. Rather it helps define your natural contours and remove specific areas of fat you can’t lose with a good diet and exercise program. Before you’re considered a candidate for procedures like a tummy tuck or liposuction, you should be close to a healthy body weight. This is important to ensure your results are successful because obesity can cause complications during surgery. Get the facts straight from the experts There are lots more myths about cosmetic surgery. If you’re still unsure if it’s right for you, schedule a consultation at Pearce Plastic Surgery. Dr. Pearce can evaluate your health and review your aesthetic goals to determine which type of cosmetic procedure may be right for you. We offer comprehensive physical exams to confirm you’re healthy enough for surgery. Based on your goals, Dr. Pearce personalizes a surgical plan to target only the areas where you want to enhance your natural features. He discusses everything with you in advance so that you can make the most informed decisions about your health. 

Don’t let misinformation hold you back from living your dreams. Schedule a cosmetic surgery evaluation online or call Pearce Plastic Surgery in Austin, Texas, today. 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.